Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone can help, and advise me if I am missing something when using topos in an environment where I have more than one interface for kamailio.
Essentially I would like to set the contact_host to 2 different values depending on the flow of the SIP requests, as we have a private LAN interconnect for example, and a public interconnect using (for example).
I notice there is xavu for A-side contact and B-side contact, but what about just the contact host?
As I have set for example;
modparam("topos", "xavu_cfg", "_tps_") modparam("topos", "xavu_field_contact_host", "contact_host") ... $xavu(_tps_=>contact_host) = "";
And this works fine but obviously sets the contact_host to across both interfaces, I ideally want it to change between and
How can I set more than one contact_host $xavu that topos can use? As my understanding is you can only set $xavu once, so is there another way to manipulate the contact_host on requests coming in and out on different interfaces? I assume I am missing something? :)
Thanks in advance
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