On 02/10/2009 05:05 PM, IƱaki Baz Castillo wrote:
2009/2/10 Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com:
Nooo, forget XMPP!! SIP SIMPLE already has enough cool specifications, the problem is that nobody implements them!
:-) -- maybe SIP extension writers can learn from xmpp where they go first for prototype implementation and then to standardization.
Sure, I agree 100%, but it's what we have now and we must live with it :( (sure you already know my opinion about IETF...)
right :-).
It is important to know that FOSDEM is hacker's meeting. Debates there are very constructive. Particularly, I have learned several good hints about presence. Sunday we discussed a bit how to make kamailio more friendly to implement/deal simple presence extensions.
Here we get into XML content and XMPP folks have broad experience there. It is where I got an idea to an issue pointed by Andreas Granig - content based presence extensions.
Today the SIMPLE presence server implementation is monolithic, everything has to be coded in presence_xml module. Next versions will change a bit this aspect, will offer a better and easier interface to develop extensions for same event and content-type.
Cheers, Daniel