I did the trace using ngrep: ngrep -T -W byline -d any port 5060
And I am confused with tm retran.
(1) case one tm module, the| retr_timer1| default is 500 ms.
#U +0.001824 xxx.17:5060 -> xxx.16:5060 INVITE sip:224@;line=lnzlkxu5 SIP/2.0.
#U +0.000012 xxx.17:5060 -> xxx.16:5060 INVITE sip:224@;line=lnzlkxu5 SIP/2.0.
the ngrep show the delta between packet, the second invite is only 12 ms behind? is my understanding correct?
(2) change retr_timer1 to 2000 ms
modparam("tm", "retr_timer1", 1000)
#U +0.001936 xxx.17:5060 -> xxx.16:5060 INVITE sip:224@;line=lnzlkxu5 SIP/2.0.
#U +0.000013 xxx.17:5060 -> xxx.16:5060 INVITE sip:224@;line=lnzlkxu5 SIP/2.0.
the delta still 13 ms behind, so similar to the case 1,
The question is: is the second invite the re-trans by tm? If so why it is around 12/13 ms? not the 500 ms or as configured 2000 ms?
Kind regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Min Wang