Last question from me. Does mediaproxy-ng have the media based
accounting functionality that the original mediaproxy have? We
currently have a problem where we are using RTPProxy along with
CDRTool instead of the MediaProxy because of the lack for NAT support.
This seems to be one of the reason for mediaproxy-ng? The problem we
are having is that there are directives included in CDRTool such as
'%{SIP-Codecs}', '%{SIP-RPID}', '%{SIP-RPID-Header}',
''%{Rate}', \
'%{Price}', '%{Normalized}', '%{Billing-ID}',
'%{MediaInfo}', '%{RTPStatistics}'
That are useless for RTPPProxy. More importantly RTPProxy does not
support precise media based accounting which MediaProxy does. We
really need this.
Last Question!!!