I am new to SER as our company previous administrator who looked after our SIP server has left the company and left no documentation.
Our server got restarted du to power failure and it is unable to start ser. This is what I am doing to start SER and I am getting following error.
/usr/local/sbin/ser -f /usr/local/etc/ser/ser_091105-noenum-full.cfg
and this is what I am getting in /var/log/messages file:
0(2772) parse error (81,38-39): unknown command, missing loadmodule?
0(2772) parse error (82,2-3): syntax error 0(2772) parse error (82,2-3): bad command 0(2772) parse error (82,4-8): ERROR: bad config file (4 errors)
What I am trying to find out what is (81,38-39)?
is it line 81 column 38-39 or else also how can I fix this problem.
Please help me so I could get our phone system working again.
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