Even we observed in Wireshark traces, no username is
included in REGISTER
request. Any changes required?
No, we are not using NATURAL in our platform.
The "NATURAL" has been an automatic spell checking of my tablet. It should have
been "NAT".
Observed there is no communication between PCSCF –
ICSCF while
registration and also attaching the tracefile(tcpdump) using command
“tcpdump -i any -s 3000 -w /var/tmp/trace_OpenIMS.pcap not port 22 and
not port 3306”.
As you can see in the trace: The P-CSCF forwards the REGISTER request to which is
not the I-CSCF (and not prepared to receive such messages).
You should check the forwarding to I-CSCF in kamailio-pcscf.cfg.
Next time you should start with the trace also at startup of the x-CSCF to see that the
Diameter connections are up and running.
BR Franz