I am a beginner here. Could anyone please answer my question?
I have downloaded the SER 0.9.4 and compile with mysql module it on SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server 9. Mysql 4.1.15 compiled from source.
I have problem whith running SER. Command
'serctl start'
finished with message
'Starting SER : PID file /var/run/ser.pid does not exist -- SER start failed'
Message in /var/logs/messages is
'Nov 16 05:34:34 suse1 ser: ERROR: load_module: could not open module
</usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so>: libmysqlclient.so.14: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory'
'libmysqlclient.so.14' is in '/usr/local/lib/mysql/'
Any idea ? Thank.
Murdej Ukrutny