Hi Iqbal,
I think you should be aware of the limitations of this solution.
The accuracy of your billing will depend of the ST value. Ex: if a user
has 5 more seconds credit at last re-INVITE he will be able to talk till
the next re-INVITE comes - which will be in 2 minutes if ST value is 120.
If you try to reduce ST to increase the accuracy, you risk to overload
your server with re-INVITEs.
This will reflect mostly if you try to use rating plans with different
Best regards,
Iqbal wrote:
perfect, just what I needed for my kludge solution
Jan Janak wrote:
> Yes, exactly. You can force the cisco to send re-INVITEs and drop them
> on your SER proxy when the user runs out of credit. The cisco would
> terminate the call if the re-INVITE does not make it through.
> Jan.
> On 24-03 12:46, Iqbal wrote:
>> Hi
>> Okay so that I'm on the same page with this, doe sthis mean if my GW
>> supports this...from what I read cisco seems to, that on a INVITE
>> coming from a UA (even if its not cisco), I can set session-expires,
>> and use the GW then to drop the session...if so when dropped will it
>> send a BYE
>> Iqbal
>> Java Rockx wrote:
>>> Nevermind all - I found the answer (thanks Jan) in the archives.
>>> Regards,
>>> Paul
>>> On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 21:01:04 -0500, Java Rockx <javarockx(a)gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All.
>>>> Our PSTN gateway supports Session-Expires for re-INVITEs. The session
>>>> timer is "automagically" enabled when dialing SIP->PSTN.
>>>> However, when calling PSTN->SIP re-INVITEs do not happen, however the
>>>> PSTN GW does support them.
>>>> I think the problem is that PSTN->SIP calls need to (for some reason)
>>>> explicitly request session timers.
>>>> How would I request this? I know I can add the "Session-Expires:
>>>> 120;refresher=??" header, but do I then do this in the 200OK
>>>> back to the PSTN GW?
>>>> Also, if the PSTN->SIP call is asking the PSTN GW to enable session
>>>> timers, would the "refresher=" tag be set to UAS or UAC?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Paul