Hi Jiri.
Two questions please.
Jiri Kuthan HYPERLINK "mailto:serusers%40iptel.org?Subject=%5BSerusers%5D%20ENUM%20variable%20TLD% 3F&In-Reply-To=4032B769.8000804%40august.net"jiri at iptel.org Wed Feb 18 02:25:07 CET 2004
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on development branch there is an updated enum module which
allows you to use private enum trees the way you are asking.
If you need it, there should be no conflicts if you take
devel version of enum and put it in your 8.12 source tree.
At 01:52 AM 2/18/2004, Greg Fausak wrote:
Normally I do enum lookups inside my
domain, however, I want to be able to do
an enum lookup at other TLD. Is there a
way to do that? Maybe enum_query("e164.other.com")??
I have downloaded the latest code as you suggested but have not been able to figure out how to specify a different TLD.
I have looked a documentation but that has not helped either.
Can you please tell me what the function I need is called?
Is there an updated ENUM module that would allow me to preform an ENUM query based on a spcified prefix?
In other words, what if I would like to preform an ENUM query when a number comes in with a "**" instead of the "+".
I have modified the c code to do this for me but was wondering if you have released a "production" version of this code.
David Schwartz
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