At 16:33 01/11/2004, Jeff Pulver wrote:
Hi Steve,
Other than reaching the FWD user community
what other benefits
someone get from peering with FWD?
Depending upon who the peering partner is, and what they are able to
us in return, there are some other benefits which we can work out on an
individual basis.
By the end of the year I expect we will be closing in on over 100
relationships. We are doing this to help solve the N squared problem in
connecting IP enabled endpoints.
- just to echo... the key benefit is being able to talk to more people,
both in FWD and beyond.
Ok. Since you took the bait :-) I'll ask my next question. Does peering
with FWD offer access to a world-wide network of IP-to-PSTN gateways ?
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