2009/3/10 Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com:
radius accounting is different from other radius modules, because in acc module, accounting is triggered by tm module.
OK. So this can be the relationship between the accounting and the delay relaying SIP messages. Is that so?
if sending of radius accounting request fails, it should not fail the transaction. i have not tested if it does.
I think that it doesn't fail the transaction but it affect the signaling. Attached the short wireshark trace when reproduced the issue in lab with RADIUS server down. In the trace I see about 10 seconds between the reception and the relay of the ACK by kamailio (maybe "radius_timeout 10" in radiusclient.conf ?) P.S.: in the trace you see only two IP addresses because both clients are on
-- juha
Thank you for your help. Regards. Antonio.