Santiago Gimeno wrote:
Hi Luis,
I ran into this problem too. In order to solve it I had to add a new Database element to the siremis/metadata/Config.xml file with the Name attribute set to Default and pointing to your openser database. I don't know the reason of having two Databases elements pointing to the same databases though.
one is used by the core framework (e.g., for authentication of users to siremis), the other one is for kamailio specific extensions (e.g., access to kamailio tables). Will try to make it better documented in the future.
Best regards, Ramona
Best regards,
2009/9/30 Luis Guaman <luis.guaman@interlancompu.com mailto:luis.guaman@interlancompu.com>
Hi, When we tried to run a Siremis Chart got the following error message: “Open Flash Chart JSON Parse Error [Syntax Error] Error at character 0, line 1: 0: <body style='font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; background-color:#FCFCFC;'>Error m” Some help??