And of course put:
log(1, "blablabla"); and all if, else, etc in config....
On Tue, 2004-02-17 at 12:09, Darren Nay wrote:
I removed it and I still have the same problem. My onreply_route looks like this now.
onreply_route[1] { if (status =~ "(183)|2[0-9][0-9]") { fix_nated_contact(); force_rtp_proxy(); } else if (nat_uac_test("1")) { fix_nated_contact(); }; }
I also tried this..
onreply_route[1] { fix_nated_contact(); force_rtp_proxy(); }
I must admit that I'm new to all this SIP routing. :(
One more thing of note is that we are getting the following errors in the syslog.
Feb 17 12:53:15 lvl3 /usr/local/sbin/ser[19711]: ERROR: send_rtpp_command: can't read reply from a RTP proxy Feb 17 12:53:29 lvl3 /usr/local/sbin/ser[19716]: ERROR: extract_body: message body has lenght zero Feb 17 12:53:29 lvl3 /usr/local/sbin/ser[19716]: ERROR: force_rtp_proxy: can't extract body from the message Feb 17 12:53:29 lvl3 /usr/local/sbin/ser[19716]: ERROR: on_reply processing failed
I just noticed this on my last call attempt.
Any more suggestions. I've tried all kinds of combinations .. I'm stumped..
Thanks! Darren
----- Original Message ----- From: "Maxim Sobolev" To: "Darren Nay" Cc: Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 2:41 PM Subject: Re: [Serusers] RTP Proxy Help - One way Audio
As I said in my previoud message, most likely that isflagset(6) test in onreply_route is causing problems. Remove it completely and try again.
Darren Nay wrote:
Hey Guys,
I am having issues with One way Audio for outgoing phone calls from my SIP phones. It works fine for Incoming, but outgoing audio is not working. Also, Outgoing works fine if I put my SIP phone on an Internet IP address, but if it's NAT'd then I get the 1 way audio on outgoing
I am using the default nathelper module config, but I have hacked it a bit and maybe my changes are causing the problem? I had to use t_relay_to_tcp for our PSTN gateway and so I had to change the routing around a little.
Prior to today I was using SerMediaProxy (AG Projects), but I switched to PortaOnes rtpproxy just to make sure that there wasn't a version incompatibility problem.
I have also attached my current ser.cfg file.
Anyone have any suggestions? Or should I change the routing in my ser.cfg file? or would that make a difference?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Darren Nay -
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