SER directly sends out the reply message to next_hop without going through the route script. If you need to process outgoing messages from SEMS, either modify them directly in SEMS, or use one SER instance as SIP stack for SEMS on e.g. port 5070, and have one SER proxy record-route. This way you get replies and followup requests on your record-routing proxy.
Victor Gamov wrote:
hi guys!
can somebody explain me how SEMS works with SER/OpenSER.
As I conceive proxy sends requests to SEMS via unix socket. Then SEMS needs constructs reply or new request and ask proxy to send it. But where reply come to proxy? into onreply_route[0] block? is it possible to use t_on_reply() function when initial request writing to SEMS to ask proxy to use specific onreply_route[] block?
Thanks for advise!