Can someone please tell me how to configure usrloc module to store contact addresses of the SIP phones into database?
-----Original Message----- From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla [] Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 6:06 AM To: Sesha Bhatlapenumarthy Cc: Subject: Re: [Serusers] re: Mysql
On 9/29/2003 8:32 PM, Sesha Bhatlapenumarthy wrote:
Should we load the mysql module if I am testing Ser to forward the calls to one SIP phone?
only if you want to restart ser after the sip phone has registered. In this care you need to configure the usrloc module to store the contact addresses of the users into database (with modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2) -- see the default config file that comes with ser distributions). Otherwise the contact addresses are stored in memory and when you restart SER they will be lost.
If you have only one phone that has a static IP address and listens on a certain port you can send the SIP messages direct to it with 't_relay_to_udp(host,port)' and you don't need usrloc.
Best regards, Daniel