Again: Always send a copy to the mailing list so that others can see the replies, do not send pure private emails !
Regarding to the permission problem, see
On 25-05 16:16, sidf@blrcsv wrote:
Thanks. The trouble was resolved successfully through your suggestion. But i met another problem:
*****On user interface site (logged in) *************** Warning: fopen("/tmp/ser_fifo", "w") - Permission denied in /var/www/html/functions.php on line 206
sorry -- cannot open write fifo
Thanks again.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jan Janak" To: "sidf@blrcsv" Cc: Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 4:08 PM Subject: Re: [Serusers] SERWEB: How i change the confirmation address in the confirmation email to user?
On 25-05 15:11, sidf@blrcsv wrote:
I installed the SERWEB0.8.12. After i register a new user using the
register webpage, a confirmation email will be sent to the user's email address. it look like this:
Thank you for registering with ......
We are reserving the following SIP address for you: sip:8002@......
To finalize your registration please check the following URL within 24
http://....../serweb/user/reg/confirmation.php?nr=bd77f30ed0c805c6d204e65eae 5aa9d5
(If you confirm later you will have to re-register.) My question is , which and how modify the php file in directory
/serweb/user/reg , can make me change the registration confirmation address?Thanks.And , I find a bug in SERWEB, default address in the confirmation email is ...../serweb/user/... ,but it is serweb/user_interfacein the serweb package.siduanfeng
What exactly do you want to change, I am not sure I understand ? In regards to the user_interface problem, we usually create an alias user->user_interface in the configuration of apache.