You need to pick some constant that doesn't change, or changes in ways that are appropriate to the sort of matching you would like to do. $fu (the From URI) is just an example. It is likely you have no use for the From URI whatsoever in your tracking, so pick something else.
Thanks Alex. I don't get everything but let's use exemple..let me know if i'm in a wrong way.. First let's do easy stuff, by sending Bye to a user on domain.
Following script will be in Kamailio.cfg :
if (dlg_get("$ci", "$ft", "$tt") && to_uri=~"sip:.+@") { dlg_bye("callee"); }
if (dlg_get("$ci", "$ft", "$tt") && from_uri=~"sip:.+@") { dlg_bye("caller"); }
That should track the call in a dynamic way if i get it right!?
Now let's imagine Alice and Bob(on domain) are in call. How can i do to have a SIP Bye request on Bob side... That's not clear in my head, and my poor english doesn't help that much :s
Best regards,