Steven C. Blair wrote:
There are several classes of attributes though. This is an extension to the old model where attributes where prefixed with "caller_" or "callee_" depending on who they were for. This prefix is now "$t." or "$f." for "to" and "from". Addtionally, you can have attributes for the URI, user, domain, and globally. If you want to address those, the prefix gets a second letter t, u, d, g respectively. Thus, "$" is the variable to for the from user.
[scb] Is URI the same as $ruri in SER0.9.x?
It is up to you to pick one. It could be the Request-URI (which was $ruri before and is @ruri now), it could be the URI in the From (which is @from.uri now), or even, although that doesn't make much sense, the URI in the Contact (which would be @contact.uri). You decide by passing a select to the load_attrs() function.
[scb] Please explain how "$" is the variable to for the from user. I do not understand.
No wonder, it isn't. That was nonsense. "$" is, of course, the variable (or rather: attribute) foo for the to user. Probably should re-read my postings before sending.
Regards, Martin