On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 10:59:44PM +0200, Voip support wrote:
Maybe in request route i should add something like :
xlog("Received $rm from $si with call id $ci ");
Then take wireshark trace and wait for the hung call and check if kamailio
logs has the line that the BYE was received?
This would confirm the BYE is getting received but it will no give me any
information why ist not relayed.
Extra information is never bad information, and think logging
fundamental requests is good practice. However, I agree that this won't
give you much insight into why it's not relayed. But perhaps there are
contemporaneous log entries which can shed light on that; Kamailio is
generally pretty good about logging situations where t_relay() fails or
an interface cannot be selected or some other networking-related cause
that is known a priori at the time the relay attempt is made.
I'm thinking either outbound routing issue, or Kamailio isn't getting
the BYE in the first place.
Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
Tel: +1-706-510-6800 / +1-800-250-5920 (toll-free)