TLS in the Free version of Ser would be nice :D
* Jan Janak [050218 20:04]:
I would like to have TLS freely available too. I have been trying to push in that direction for a while, so far without success.
On 18-02 11:30, Cesc Santasusana wrote:
I have to side with Juha on this. A mandatory feature should be released to the public. Moreover TLS IS a compelling need, for everybody who cares, but with SER, we just cannot use it. Who would not use TLS, was TLS available? Not all organizations have the money or the will to spend money on a commercial license, eventhough it would make them a lot of good.
And don't get me wrong, I understand why iptel choose this line of "marketing" ... probably TLS is the most desired feature that free SER lacks, so a lot of revenue comes from this side.
In any case, I would like to call all those developers out there with some spare time who'd like to help implement TLS for free SER, myself volunteering as of now (hope this email does not get censored :D ). Drop me a line if you are interested.
At 10:27 PM 2/17/2005, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Marian Dumitru writes:
Also you can go for TLS, which is as concept basically the same thing IPSEC tunnels. The major difference is that TLS is not free as IPSEC is.
TLS not being part of free ser is indeed a problem. i think it is the only feature mandated by rfc3261 that is not included in free ser.
i fully understand that iptel needs to make money somehow in order to keep its developers on the payroll, but i feel that a mandatory feature should not be hold back. there still is plenty of other value add that iptel can produce even if tls would be in public domain.
To be candid, the suggestion to release some of money-generating features freely and begin working on some other money-generating feature is easier said than executed.
so what can be done about it? the easiest thing would, of course, be that iptel changes its policy and makes their tls implementation as part of free ser.
I do not see that as feasible, at least not at short-term. The feature is commercially available to those with a compelling need for it.
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