Hi, sometimes I need to forward a message to a SIP UAS that just speaks UDP (for example a PSTN gateway), so if I recevie an INVITE from a TCP client I must use:
since the following would fail:
$rd = "gateway"; t_relay();
The problem is that this second approach is more flexible and it can be used in block routes, being them independent fo the final destination (set prevously with asignements like "$rd = gateway").
A solution for this could be allow $rP:
$rP - reference to transport protocol of R-URI
so I could do:
$rP = "UDP"; $rd = "gateway"; t_relay();
But unfortunatelly $rP is no writeable: http://www.openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/core-cookbook:1.3.x#assignment
Another solution could be if "force_send_socket" function would allow setting **just** the protocol type, but it doesn't allow it.
So there is no solution excepting making dirty the script and setting all the destination (protocol:ip:port) using "t_relay(protocol:ip:port)".
Why $rP is no writeable?