I'm still troubleshooting this issue and this morning I added more outputs in the source code of auth_mod.c. And I discovered:
1) when I set the configuration parameter "secret" of the module auth (modparam("auth", "secret", "secretphrase) ) in openser.cfg everything works fine !
2) when I remove the configuration parameter "secret", the auth_mod.c calls the method generate_random_secret() as stated in the documentation. It enters in the loop
for(i = 0; i < RAND_SECRET_LEN; i++) { LM_INFO("(3a)\n"); sec_rand[i] = 32 + (int)(95.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); } LM_INFO("(4)\n");
but never exit ! This is the reason why my server does not start and keeps blocked there. I modified the code above to print more logs, I can see in the logs the string (3a) once but I never (4): IMHO it is blocked somewhere in the first random computation.
I'm running openser on Redhat Enterprise v4.
Is there anything else I should configure in my environment ? Or I found a bug ?
Regards, Pascal
On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 12:45 PM, Pascal Maugeri pascal.maugeri1@gmail.com wrote:
I'm still unable to have a working server 1.3 that loads the module auth.so.
It is weird because there is no error message in my log file also I set the debug level to maximum. But after starting the openser service, it says it is successful but there is no running process (pgrep openser does not show anything, when it does if I remove the load auth.so)!
How can I get more debugging info about the loading and initialization of auth ?
Can anybody share with me his or her configuration file ? I may miss something in mine: loadmodule "sl.so" [...] loadmodule "auth.so" (I believe it is sufficient).
Is there any known issue using Redhat Enterprise 4 ?
Regards, Pascal