I was playing wit append_branch and I run into this issue.
Here's a snippet of the code:
route[2] { $var(uri) = $ru; append_branch(); $ru = $var(uri) + ";transport=udp"; t_on_branch("2"); }
branch_route[2] { xlog("L_INFO", "entering branch[$T_branch_idx] for $ru\n");
if ($T_branch_idx == 1) { xlog("L_INFO", "dropping branch[$T_branch_idx]\n"); drop(); } }
In the logs, I got:
entering branch[1] for sip:<user>@<IP>;transport=udp dropping branch[1] entering branch[1] for sip:<user>@<IP> dropping branch[1] ERROR:tm:t_forward_nonack: failure to add branches
Is this the expected result? It seems that we do have two branches, since we enter twice in the branch_route, but the $T_branch_idx doesn't seem to be updated. Or, it is supposed to be updated? Any hints would be appreciated. BTW: this is with 1.3 code base.
Regards, Ovidiu Sas