Hi David,
Do you see any errors in sip-router log?
Also how have you created the column family in cassandra? Probably you
already created it correctly but I will mention here the way to do it
You have to create a keyspace corresponding to the name of the database.
Then you have to create a column family inside that keyspace with name
'location'. Take care to put the validator and comparator to Utf8Type or
create column family 'location' with comparator='UTF8Type' and
default_validation_class='UTF8Type' and key_validation_class='UTF8Type' ;
I will explain this also in the readme.
On 01/26/2012 11:04 PM, David wrote:
Thanks Anca,
No the records are not in the location db. I did modify the location
table and included "domain(string)" I dont know if that is necessary or
not but logically to me it makes sense.
However the records are not written to the table. I know for certain
that the user is authenticated because before I added the user to
cassandra I was getting a 401 unauthorized. Since I added the user it
seems to authenticate and then send me a 483.
I am using the default cassandra config as of now.
I did enable the domain modules in that config.
I will try the debug methods you mentioned below and report back.