To all:
As a user/integrator of OpenSer I am alerted by these discussions. I do not have any background why the project splitted into 2 parts, I can only imagine. But at least I can see that the community is splitted into 2 parts, and there is a very problematic conversation going on with some fingerpointing from both sides, which will surely have some background. As a user looking from outside I cannot judge who is right or who is wrong. But the more I read these mails I have the feeling that life with "OpenSER" will become difficult in the future. And uncertainty is always the worst of all prospects.
So please: In order not to confuse the latest user, can you please do your discussions on a different platform, solve it there and come back with a solution or statement within a reasonable time? You may call me naive but the current way of discussing creates the biggest damage I can imagine for OpenSER and it's fork(s).
Best regards Peter
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu schrieb:
Hi Henning,
I found it an illogical reaction. Probably you have a total false vision of my action - I only want to move on with the work I'm doing in a way I consider more productive.
Thanks and regards, Bogdan
Henning Westerholt wrote:
On Tuesday 05 August 2008, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
Not sure why there was a need for "emergency action" - is it a kind of war or what? :) . Cannot figure out what was the logic behind, but this kind of hustle decisions (no consultation, no reason, just a wild-wild-west cowboy action) made me make my move. A project needs to offer stability and reliability and this "out-of-control" kind of management does not help at all. I hope you can understand my reason for creating OpenSIPS.
Also, I'm ready to overlook this "not-nice" action, so granting back my admin rights on the OpenSER project will be an act of respect.
Hi Bogdan,
well, one could imagine all possible ways you could want to harm the kamailio project, now as you started over again with your own stuff. Perhaps we can discuss this next week in Bucarest on a personal level.
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