The Getting Started scripts package contains a set of scripts you can
use for that.
ram wrote:
I don't think you are clear on what you want. If you want to
"capture all the messages" it WILL be large and cumbersome.
tcpgrp+sip_scenario is a good choice for SIP protocol analysis (or
wireshark). You can for example create smaller dump files by
restarting tcpdump with a new redirection file every hour or so to
make them smaller.
ngrep can be found in the SER Getting Started everything package,
very good for simple analysis and call traces.
iam looking the call log of the Call made by the users in SER subscriber
1. register
2. failed
3. called history
4. call failed ( reason)
5. more log information for diagnosis the problem
I have facing problem now a days from the user
user says that iam not able to call X number, and he is getting voice
so to do diagnosis, we need to ask customer to call again and make a
log with ngrep
instead, how can i log all information and analyse with out producing
the test call again
any recomendations
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