Am 13.05.2011 18:10, schrieb Asgaroth:
Hi Klaus,
On 13/05/2011, Klaus Darilion wrote:
Sending OPTIONS/INFO keep-alives should be possible from the registrar. Sending just CRLF for keep-alive can only be done by the outboundproxy.
How would I achieve this from the registrar? This would be ideal for me, if I could have the registrar that serviced the register request to also maintain the nat keepalive messages? I'm not sure how the nathelper module derives the route to send the OPTIONS/INFO message to the outbound registrar. I would have thought that it would use the path information stored in the usrloc table but it does not appear to do that.
Actually I have not tried it. Thus, if it does not work, you should open a bug report.
You could save() the REGISTER before forwarding to the REGISTRAR (or in a reply route if response=200 OK) and set the natping flag before.
If I save the register at the proxy, then that would defeat the purpose of the registrar server. I am trying to offload registration processing onto seperare registrar servers.
If you do not use DB-storage on the outboundproxy I think the CRLF pinging should be quite lightweight.
If I set the natping flag in the reply route, do I still need to save the registration informaiton on the proxy? Or do you mean that I can forward the register requests over to the registrar servers, then look for a 200 OK to the REGISTER and only set the natping flag then? If
Doing it in the response may cause problems if the response contains multiple contact headers. Also you have to call fix_nated_register() in request route to store the socket from where the REGISTER was received.
this is true, I would then also need to look for the REGISTER with expires=0 for an unregistration so that I can disable the natping flag then as well.
True. Or just ping de-registered contact until the contact is expired.
regards klaus