Hi Kelvin,
1) it seems you do record_route() for INVITE and ACK? If you do it for the ACK as well, why? Doing record_route() should only be necessary for INVITE (& SUBSCRIBE). 2) You could also test, if
modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
would help. In this case, the first Record-Route-Header should also contain "lr=on".
Kind regards, Carsten
2013/11/28 Kelvin Chua kelchy@gmail.com:
i am using only record_route() and my setup is dialog-aware. (dialog)
it's worth noting that i am doing serial fork, but this particular call is the first branch.
On Nov 28, 2013 11:38 PM, "Carsten Bock" carsten@ng-voice.com wrote:
Hi Olle,
actually it's an extension, i wanted to do sooner or later. If Kamailio is Dialog-Aware (e.g. dialog or dialog_ng is loaded), Kamailio "knows" what the route-set should be and could check and optionally enforce the route-set.
By the way: In the Record-Route of the "200 OK" it's "lr" and in the "ACK" the Record-Route is "lr=on". @Kelvin: You use only "record_route()" or do you have anything special in this regards in your config?
Kind regards, Carsten
2013/11/28 Olle E. Johansson oej@edvina.net:
On 28 Nov 2013, at 16:23, Alex Balashov abalashov@evaristesys.com wrote:
On 11/28/2013 10:22 AM, Kelvin Chua wrote:
hi alex, is there a way for kamailio to force lr=on before relay? this carrier is driving me nuts
No, Kamailio (as a SIP proxy) cannot modify the Route set after the dialog is set up, in a sequential (in-dialog request) furthermore.
The client changed the syntax of the route set - but do you really consider that a change of the route set, Alex?
I guess the URI's are different.
The question here is really - can Kamailio somehow clean up the URI's in the route set for this buggy client?
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-- Carsten Bock CEO (Geschäftsführer)
ng-voice GmbH Schomburgstr. 80 D-22767 Hamburg / Germany
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Office +49 40 34927219 Fax +49 40 34927220
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SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users