I've been pondering over an architecture of distributed VoIP services on different geographic regions. I'm sure its nothing new and there are lots of guys have ideas to share.
There are multiple SIP enabled Regions/locations, each has its own media services and full services capability. Now Imagine I've unique SIP users registering on each Region. What I want to achieve is as follows:
1- User A from Region-A dials User-B registering on Region-C 2- Region-A inquires all Regional-Nodes and in response only one Regional Node (Region-C) raises hand that it has this particular user registered. 3- Upon this reply Region-A Kamailio relays the call to Region-C kamailio and we get a successful call.
The SIP users are mobile and can register to different regions depending upon their location so thats why I need step-2. Offline SIP user's will be handled by the destination number area code and routed to the closest serving VoIP region.
How can we use the new modules like DMQ or Presence to achieve this !1
Regards, Sammy Go.