Check the logs (usually /var/log/daemon or /var/log/messages), there should be some trace of unsuccessful SER startup.
On 31-05 19:02, wrote:
- SER do not start properly after reboot.
- CanĀ“t not log on to SIP-server trough NAT.
- SER do not start properly after reboot.
First of all i must point out that i have no more than a couple of weeks experience. I downloaded the "Admin guide" and the "Dan Austin howto" as reference dokumentation to set up a basic SER server. I followed it step by step and tested it. I found out that ive got some problem with ser when i restarted the machine. I restarted the machine, startted ser with "ser start" witch gived me:
Listening on:[]:5060[]:5060
But when i was checking the status with "serctl monitor" It semed to me as ether the ser server or the ser_fifo was down cause it dident give me any status att all.
when i checked the lokal processes with "ps aux" it dident give me anything on "ser start" as it usualy do. So i tried out the default ser.cfg and it worked.... ps aux gived me "ser start". Then i tried the default ser.cfg with mysql auth support and it worked. I rebooted and the same problem all over again.
- Can not log on to SIP-server trough NAT.
I can make local connections and initiate calls but not trough my adress. I have routed port 5060-5062 in my firewall against the server machine.(i think it would be sufficient to at least log on) I can make connections against reference server but not against my local server.
Enviromental variables: OS: Slackware 9.1 (Linux) client: Kphone and W-messenger. server: ser 0.8.12 Host-name:SIPserver.hasselan Domain: hasselan SIP-domain: SIPserver.hasselan Mysql: 4.0.18 external domain:
configurationsfile= default ser.cfg + auth modules and mysql support. following lines were edited:
www_authorise =SIPserver.hasselan www_challenge SIPserver.hasselan
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