That is something else. But Fang said "registered with only 1-2 users"
and not just proxy something. So I understood it like Alice, Bob
registered and then making the same Alice calls Bob thing 3000
times/second, which will probably end-up as being locked on Bob's lookup
in the registrar.
My point is: most of the time you have to generate realistic traffic in
order to see real performance. It is not realistic that Bob gets 3000
cps terminated to him... having a registrar that would scale properly
with the number of CPUs is overkill especially as this is not realistic.
Valentin Nechayev wrote:
>>>> Dragos Vingarzan <Dragos.Vingarzan(a)> wrote:
Do you consider it realistic to produce load for
millions of users with
just 1-2? I don't. What probably happens is that you get a lot of
inter-locking somewhere like in the registrar because you use just 2
users. So you could have 100 CPUs and gigs of RAM, but if you do not use
more users, it won't scale.
I would say that you need to use ratios for
calls/sec/users way smaller
than 1, while you now seem to be at about 1500 or so... This is highly
unrealistic and also not relevant.
This _is_ realistic in case SER is used as proxy on a path between
e.g. vendor gateways. In that case it can have 0 (i.e. _zero_)
"users" but thousands of calls per second.
And, of course, this shall be relevant unless you're positioning
it to "office PBX" which is definitely not direct SER niche.
Dipl. Eng. Dragos Vingarzan
Fraunhofer FOKUS/NGNI
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
10589 Berlin,Germany
Phone +49 (0)30 - 3463 - 7385
Mobile +49 (0)176 - 48 32 16 00
We could change the world if God would give us the source code...