The script can be also found in sip_router/rpm/ser.init
On 23-04 22:05, Harold Workman wrote:
Hi Peter,
You can use the init.d script to start SER. From what I believe, the script doesnt come with the the stable version.....I downloaded the RPM package which does come with the init.d script, copied the script, deleted the RPM package, and edited the script to point to the correct path that SER is installed....
The commands are /etc/init.d/ser start /etc/init.d/ser restart
-- Harold Workman CCNA, CCNP Cytel Communications Ph. 281-449-4000 x3098
Quoting Peter Boot
After compling the stable version from CVS with make clean make all make install
Can anyone please tell me the correct way to start SER ?
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