Hello guys,
We're seeing corner cases where the following happens:
On proxy-ws - IP1:PORT1 connects via websocket from Client1 - Registration happens on an upstream kamailio - for any reason, the TCP socket closes or times out. - IP1:PORT1 (same IP:PORT combination) connects via websocket from Client2 - Registration happens on an upstream kamailio
Now a call comes in to Client1. Because the first connection was never cleaned up, it is sent to the proxy-ws and the proxy will send it to the IP1:PORT1 where Client2 is connected.
Short story, proxy-ws doesn't check the IP1:PORT1 where it is sending the INVITE is the actual client it is supposed to be sending...
It seems that when a socket is closed, the mapping IP:PORT to Address (i.e.: sip:d4f27e34@994f31243be9.invalid;transport=ws) doesn't seem to be cleared... is this by design?
David Villasmil email: david.villasmil.work@gmail.com phone: +34669448337