1 apr 2009 kl. 18.17 skrev Klaus Darilion:
IƱaki Baz Castillo wrote:
2009/4/1 Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists@pernau.at:
But I really wonder why you need to remove the To tag in an in- dialog request.
A common use case is a SIP client which gets confused by multiple early dialogs (e.g. Asterisk in pedenatic mode). Just remove the totags from the responses 101-199 and you are done.
Wow! Asterisk in pedantic mode (theorically this means more RFC 3261 compliant) requires To tag in provisional 1XX responses to be removed in case of getting forked responses!
At least that was the case ~1 year ago. I have not tried current versions.
And yes - Asterisk is buggy in both modes :-)
I think this was fixed a long time ago. We should lock on the tag in the first 200 OK in pedantic mode. I've run these tests and SIPit and Asterisk handled it great. Getting multiple 200 OK is another story.
We do try to fix stuff if proper bug reports are filed with bugs.digium.com.
If this bug has re-appeared lately, then it needs to be re-fixed.