Did anyone succeed (or, at least, try) to port the new SER pa module (Jamey Hicks' additions for PIC/SER trial) to openSER? [...]
the presence stuff will be approached in the future in OpenSER, too. I have seen a lot of changes and several modes of operating for the new PA in SER.
Hmmh, let's go a little bit into details: Are there plans to port SER's pa module implementation or is there consensus to implement something from the scratch? I agree with you that after the PIC/SER trial there is a lot of ongoing work concerning SER's pa module. What they still did not address is the B2BUA issue (imho, please correct me if I'm wrong) but they have many of the basic presence features already working.
Not sure yet what sip client can be used for testing, I have seen remarks only about eyebeam.
Eyebeam is afaik one of the more flexible ones, probably a good choice. Supports both, peer-to-peer and server-based presence, which should be sufficient to test most of the possible scenarios. Afaik the PIC/SER used it for their trial.
Several days ago SER changed the indexing style for user location records, using now unique ids, otherwise the interfaces are still the same.
Just had a short look at the sources - it shows up that having the SER pa module included into OpenSER is not just a matter of replacing the pa module sources. The SER pa developers moved some of the functionality (like XCAP) into libraries positioned below the root folder. The pa module depends on some of these library headers. Unfortunately, even satisfying these dependencies by copying the lib folder is not sufficient. Beside some macros that can easily be copied or replaced, the SER folks seem to have changed some core code (e.g added new member sipifmatch to struct sip_msg). That's developer list stuff, so I stopped here... ;) My conclusion: it should be feasible to eliminate all compiler errors an integrate the pa module with openser. Before starting integration it's advisable to have core programmer feedback on side effects of changing central structs like sip_msg. And I do not see major sense in doing this work before the new SER pa module is stable (released).
Or, is someone already working on a new pa module implementation for OpenSER?
best regards --Joachim