Sorry, You can download either individual config files, a package with all or the Everything package. g-)
İlker Aktuna (Koç.net) wrote:
Thanks for your email. I get a "page not found" error when I try Actually at which URL is the example configuration script for using fix_nated_register() ?
Also, which script should I edit to be able to use ser_ctl ? When I edit the serctl.conf file no change happens...
Regards, ilker
*From:* Greger V. Teigre [] *Sent:* Friday, August 25, 2006 5:28 PM *To:* İlker Aktuna (Koç.net) *Cc:* *Subject:* Re: [Serusers] How to fix IP address stored in location db Download the document and scripts for how to handle NATed clients. If you change default settings, you need to edit the script. g-)
İlker Aktuna (Koç.net) wrote:
Thanks for your reply. However, I couldn't understand it. What does exactly fix_nat_register do ? I have a client which does not have STUN feature and thus I can't make a call to this client. What should I do to make a call to this client ?
Btw, I get the following errors when I use ser_ctl command: ser_ctl: (111, 'Connection refused'): error And WARNING: ListMethods on 'http://localhost:5060/' failed: socket.error
My ser is running on 5061 port.
Thanks, ilker
-----Original Message----- From: Greger V. Teigre [] Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 12:10 PM To: İlker Aktuna (Koç.net) Cc: Subject: Re: [Serusers] How to fix IP address stored in location db
The stored contact should be as received. You need to have the correct request URI when forwarding to a UA, even if the ip address is a private one. If not, the UA will most likely respond with 404 User not found. fix_nated_register() will put received ip:port in an avp and save will store this avp as received (you will see it with serctl ul show) g-)
İlker Aktuna (Koç.net) wrote:
I am trying to change stored uri in the location db. I assume it could be done with the help of nathelper module and I use fix_nated_register() function just before save_noreply("location") command. However I still see the internal IP address of the client in the location db.
What is the easiest way to change the stored contact address ?
Thanks, ilker __________
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