Padmaja RV wrote:
Hi all!
Is anybody running openser through cvs? If yes, pls let me know the
steps on how to start openser thru the init.d script. I am new to
openser and I have gone thru the link in openser site for making the
init.d script work with the monit daemon. now when i start openser
with /etc/init.d/openser start or /etc/rc.d/init.d/openser start, the
monit daemon takes over and tries to start openser. but apparently it
is failing because in the web interface of monit, i see that the
starting of openser failed. and there is no openser.pid file created
in /var/run/. Pls help me on how to start openser through monit
daemon or is there a work around to do this without involving the
monit daemon? I am stuck at this point and unable to make any
Thanks and Regards,