Hi I am trying st set up media proxy on my sip express router setup. this is the problem that I am running into.
I have placed Media proxy on a seperate box and I have configured the INI file.
I am able to start the media proxy. I then go to the sip express router and I add the proxydispatcher to the box. the documentation that is on onsip.org does not tell me what directory this should go into.
this is what I decided to do. I placed the file in /usr/share. I then tried to start the proxydispatcher.py by typing python proxydispatcher.py and it failed.
This is the error that I got.
# python proxydispatcher.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "proxydispatcher.py", line 31, in ? import daemon ImportError: No module named daemon
I am a little confused as to how to set up the whole media proxy nat traversal. Can any one let me know if I did this correctluy up to this point.
Part 2. I cant get any external phones to register onto the server. The getting started config works fine. I am now using a nathelper config and I cant get any external phones to register.
Help help