On 17.02.23 11:55, BenoƮt Panizzon wrote:
Hey all
I have started using the uac module to be able to mirror username changes on both legs of a call.
But now I found an issue:
Assume this situation:
Call IC => Customer IC is e164, Customer wants 'local' numbers.
IC From: +41991234567 => Customer From: 0991234567
uac_replace_from("sip:" + $avp(from_local) + "@" + $(fu{uri.host}));
Customer is absent, after timeout in failure_route call is dispatched to Voicemail Server, which is configured for e164 numbers:
uac_replace_from("sip:" + $avp(from_e164) + "@" + $(fu{uri.host}));
But then uac complains:
replace_uri(): Already called uac_replace for this dialog
Why isn't just the most from version kept and used?
you have to do the update of From/To URI inside a branch route.
What is done in request_route before the transaction is created is common to all outgoing branches and some operations can be done only once in such case.
Cheers, Daniel