Thanks for answering. We use the mediaproxy module from unstable version from last cvs and use SER version 0.8.12 from cvs on freeBSD 5.1.
We did exactly like the readme for the new mediaproxy says to install the last version correctly. It is working fine but we have 2 problems:
1. When using the mediaproxy ser.cfg example file it will start ok but right after call setup the ser will go into an indefinite loop.
2. When using a somewhat more developed ser.cfg we have some problems: ser receive ACK from calling endpoint but it will not forward it to called endpoint, so called endpoint will not open RTCP streams for audio. It looks like ACK is losts somewhere on ser. This happens not always but under certain conditions.
Both might be errors in our ser.cfg but we seem to overlook it. We spent 2 weeks into this problem now and appreciate any further comments that can lead to a solution. Any working example for ser with mediaproxy will do.
We can sent you the other ser.cfg, dumps whatever if you like to take a look at it.
Kindest regards, Tjapko.
-----Original Message----- From: serusers-bounces@iptel.org [mailto:serusers-bounces@lists.iptel.org]On Behalf Of Adrian Georgescu Sent: Viernes, 02 de Julio de 2004 12:26 p.m. To: serusers@lists.iptel.org Subject: [Serusers] Ser and new Mediaproxy
Tjapko ,
There is no syntax change for ser.cfg in the latest version of MediaProxy.
---- Hello ,
Can someone provide me full working ser.cfg example for latest version of Mediaproxy (example distributed with new mediaproxy does not seem to work properly). Herunder you will find the test.cfg that we use.
Regards, Tjapko.
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