Hey list,
I've written a very simple module, just exporting one function I need which does something simple like checking a file and returns -1 or 1 if the file exist or not.
The problem I'm facing is as follows: During call flow (extension1 calling extension2), it seems that the logic of the call flow is passed via that module and hangs the entire call process. And this happens without even calling that single exported function, but rather just by including the module itself via loadmodule.
Log from the call flow: ... 8(3827) SIP Reply (status): 8(3827) version: <SIP/2.0> 8(3827) status: <100> 8(3827) reason: <Trying> 8(3827) parse_headers: flags=2 8(3827) Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKde5a.32fd75d7.0>; state=9 8(3827) parse_via: next_via 8(3827) Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK-d8754z-303e27391e65ac7d-1---d8754z->; state=6 8(3827) Found param type 235, <rport> = <21644>; state=16 8(3827) end of header reached, state=5 8(3827) parse_headers: Via found, flags=2 8(3827) parse_headers: this is the first via 8(3827) After parse_msg... * 8(3827) forward_reply: found module exec_custom, passing reply to it * 8(3827) DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil) 8(3827) receive_msg: cleaning up ...
that forward_reply thing has the module involved there for whatever reason, I've no idea.
This is on openser1.0.1 I'd appreciate some feedback
Regards, Liran.