El Monday 25 February 2008 18:50:45 Anatoly Pidruchny escribió:
Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
A UAC or proxy shouldn't generate a CANCEL if it hasn't receive a 100 Trying. fr_timer is the time OpenSer will wait for a first provisional reply from UAS (commonly the 100 Trying), so OpenSer shouldn't generate a CANCEL if fr_timer expries.
You are right about the CANCEL. But then the question is about the "408 Request Timeout" reply to the caller. When fr_timer expires, 408 reply is sent to the caller no matter if noisy_ctimer is set or not. Is this the correct behavior or not? I thought that it is correct, but in one of
your previous posts you wrote:
if you don't set the noisy_timer then OpenSer won't send a CANCEL and 408.
Ok, I understand you. I was wrong when I said that "408" depends on noisy_ctimer parameter. Not at all.
408 should be sent to caller if fr_timer or fr_inv_timer expires, even if noisy_ctimer is on or off.
My testing shows that it generates 408 even if noisy_ctimer is off. But I only tested fr_timer. Why are you even asking me this question. In one
of the previous posts you wrote:
Sorry, it's strange, I've tested now and OpenSer generates the CANCEL and 408 even if "noisy_ctimer" is 0. I can sure that time ago I tryed it and just generated them if that parameter wa set to 1. ¿?¿
So, you tested fr_inv_timeout and OpenSER generated both 408 and CANCEL even if the noisy_ctimer parameter is off. If you confirm that CANCEL is sent even if noisy_ctimer is off then we need to open a bug report on the tracker.
Yes, ok, let me try it tomorrow again. If I say nothing please reminder me ;)