I've been looking through the admin manual and haven't found what I'm looking for yet.
I point my SIP client to, say, domainname.com, and on my DNS server, I point this to my SER system's IP address, say,
When I had SIP_DOMAIN=, I experienced long delays between pressing hangup and the call actually being hung up.
When I changed this to SIP_DOMAIN=domainname.com and ran /etc/init.d/ser restart, the behaviour is as expected.
I put export SIP_DOMAIN=domainname.com into /etc/profile and reboot the system, I try dialing and then hanging up again, and it's back to the same behaviour I mentioned above. If I run /etc/init.d/ser restart, then it is fixed again.
Am I doing something wrong here? I don't want to have to run a manual restart after every system boot.
Thanks in advance.