If I understand correctly your email, you want the IP/Host of the destination of the outgoing INVITE that is leaving a Kamailio box?
First of all, how are you forwarding the request? Are you using dispatcher module?
Here are a couple of options:
1- https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/cookbooks/5.3.x/pseudovariables#du_-_destinati... (although this depends on your config, it might not be set)
2- https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/cookbooks/5.3.x/core#onsend_route + https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/cookbooks/5.3.x/pseudovariables#sndto_name
If you can describe a little more how you are doing things we might be able to give you more information.
On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 3:53 AM CUMHUR KARAHAN < cumhur.karahan@consultant.turkcell.com.tr> wrote:
Hi all,
I’m a newbie for Kamailio and working on a feature needs end-users’ destination IP in the first transferred/forwarded invite message.
Basically, our system/call flow is like:
ClientA -> Kamailio1 -> Kamailio2 -> ClientB
Invite from the clientA:
*INVITE sip:905364167881@testsip.tvoip.turkcell.com.tr:443 http://sip:905364167881@testsip.tvoip.turkcell.com.tr:443 SIP/2.0*
*Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK.GoiTxA4Ee;rport*
*From: <sip:905368601286@testsip.tvoip.turkcell.com.tr sip%3A905368601286@testsip.tvoip.turkcell.com.tr>;tag=WbINy0ypx*
*To: sip:905364167881@testsip.tvoip.turkcell.com.tr sip%3A905364167881@testsip.tvoip.turkcell.com.tr*
*CSeq: 20 INVITE*
Needed Ip (Client B’s IP for this case) is in the INVITE row of the forwarded message.
Invite to the Kamailio2 :
*INVITE sip:905364167881@****:36945;transport=tls SIP/2.0*
*Record-Route: sip:gearbox11.turkcell.tgc:5060;r2=on;lr;did=7f5.f572;nat=yes*
*Record-Route: sip:testsip05.tvoip.turkcell.com.tr:443;transport=tls;r2=on;lr;did=7f5.f572;nat=yes*
*Via: SIP/2.0/UDP gearbox11.turkcell.tgc:5060;branch=z9hG4bK67ad.4e8e863f2475ab8d3053af0593548557.1;i=f*
*Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;received=;branch=z9hG4bK.1SYkXD1Me;rport=32980*
*From: <sip:905368601286@testsip.tvoip.turkcell.com.tr sip%3A905368601286@testsip.tvoip.turkcell.com.tr>;tag=WbINy0ypx*
*To: sip:905364167881@testsip.tvoip.turkcell.com.tr sip%3A905364167881@testsip.tvoip.turkcell.com.tr*
*CSeq: 21 INVITE*
When the first invite message receives, the dialog variables or sel(msg…) parsed values belong to this first received message, as far as I understand during the tests. However I need the forwarded invite message’s variables. Even after t_relay in RELAY route, it looks the message I have is the first one. So, I cannot reach this later IP in the forwarded invite message. As far as I understand, bear with me here please, this IP manipulation executes in t_relay function and in the C side of Kamailio. So, I cannot find a way to do that in the our native scripts.
Is there any way to get it without diving C code’s abyss? Do you have any idea about it? I would appreciate it, if I can get any help or any clue.
Thanks for all...
S. Cumhur Karahan
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