When I invoke the radius_load_attrs() the message send to radius has the following shape: Thu Mar 8 10:50:46 2007 Packet-Type = Access-Request User-Name = "sip:hellboy@voip.rd.touk.pl" SER-Service-Type = Get-User-Attrs NAS-Port = 0 NAS-IP-Address =
the message doesn't contain any authentication data like password. so do I understand right that radius in such case should be configured in such a way to accept any message of the SER-Service-Type = Get-User-Attrs?
Are still the avp loaded from radius prefixed or they are just put into the particular track and class?
Could You please give me one example of the radius one avp record and the shape in which it will appear in ser after loading.
Thank you in advance Best Tomasz