Dear ALL:
I find a program named "asterisk_b2bua" on
And I also download them(two components) and try to test it.
But I have not enough knowledge about asterisk. It seems a Software PBX. Does asterisk_b2bua work? Does anybody ever try it?
I have questions about my scenario.
|======================> UA2 (Internet) | UA1 ===> SER ===> Asterisk B2BUA ===> Trunking A (PSTN) | | CDR + Prepaid + Handle Calls(Tear-down when call during limited) | | Authentication ( Radius / DB )
Q1. Will Asterisk's B2BUA pass through the "To" (such as PSTN number) to Trunking A? In another word, is the B2BUA not necessary to rewrite the phone number?
Q2. How can B2BUA know when to tear-down this call if the call has some limits. For example, UA1 has only 120 seconds to use this International call.
Q3. Is it necessary for Radius Authentication? Is it possible if no radius exists and SER and Asterisk use the same MySQL database.
Q4. What do I need to download and setup when I use Asterisk to start this prepaid compoment? The first one shall be asterisk-1.0.5.tar.gz. Maybe some Mysql supported scripts or installaion. And any more??
Best Regard Charles