On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 12:48 PM, Yu Boot <yu(a)yu-boot.ru> wrote:
First one works OK, but if second route triggers, the
following disaster
occurs (tshark dump)
it's not really a disaster. The Mediant2000 sends out a reINVITE after
the call was established. The client responds with a 200 OK, but then
the ACK is sent to the wrong request URI. While in the reINVITE the
request URI was "sip:200@;alias=",
it is "sip:200@" later in the ACK.
My guess is you're record routing your packets even in loose routing.
And you're not doing adding contact aliases there. I've seen before
that clients then re-learn their route to the other side and fuck up
loose routing.
You should only call record_route() in the initial call setup, never
again after the 200 OK. Then you should be fine.