Hi guys,
I'm having a weird situation when trying to modify some parts of the RPID on my config file. I'm using Kamailio 1.5.3-notls
The code is the following:
... subst('/^Remote-Party-ID:(.*)sip:(.*)@(.*)$/Remote-Party-ID:\1sip:$avp(s:ANIegress)@\3/ig'); subst('/^Remote-Party-ID:(.*)"(.*)"(.*)sip:(.*)$/Remote-Party-ID:\1"$avp(s:ANIegress)"\3sip:\4/ig'); ...
With the first line I'm trying, to change the user part of the SIP-URI to the value in $avp(s:ANIegress). Then i just replace the token between double quotes (if any) with the value in $avp(s:ANIegress).
But when I check the captured (ngrep) results I have the following:
Before: Remote-Party-ID: "60911000" sip:541160911100@;privacy=off;screen=no. After: Remote-Party-ID: "60911000" sip:1160911100@;privacy=off;screen=no.Remote-Party-ID: "1160911100" sip:541160911100@;privacy=off;screen=no.
Can anyone point me on the direction to solve the issue, or a better way to replace the values in RPID, PAI (and possibly From Header for some providers)?
Thanks in advence! Uriel