The sercmd is
always with this name, even for kamailio flavour, since it is
kind of separate application. What changes are the ctl tools, like kamctl or
Yes, you're right. Only ctl tools changes.
Only by
modifying the Makefile.defs, the flavour variable get a binary
name different. Flavour=ser give me ser* names, flavour=sip-router or no
one specified gives siprouter* names, then flavour=kamailio gives
kam* names.
I know it's a mess (with myself) but I have a concept misundertanding. I
interpret sip-router project has 2 names, kamailio and ser, but not its
own name (sip-router).
Then it's a matter of packaging issue which i have.
Indeed, you are rigth,
there are two application built out of the source tree:
- ser
- kamailio
To be able to switch between them, 'sip-router' might be used as placeholder
in some case, but there is no sip-router application built out of it, of
course, unless you want it to be so. The flavour build option is intended to
make easy the creation of binaries and configs with different names without
changing anything inside the files. Since I am using kamailio and that works
fine, maybe ser/sip-router is a bit mixed. I will have a look in the next
Ok Daniel, thank you.
By now this diff makes me happy with apps name..
--- Makefile.defs.orig 2011-03-22 14:57:24.759454311 -0300
+++ Makefile.defs 2011-03-23 10:06:57.997000132 -0300
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
ifeq ($(FLAVOUR),sip-router)
# main binary name
else ifeq ($(FLAVOUR),ser)
# main binary name
Then setting flavour=sip-router I get binaries with siprouter* names.
OK, thanks for reporting, as I said, I will have a look in the next days
or so.
For example:
--- /usr/share/man/man8/
>> /usr/share/man/man8/siprouter.8.bz2
--- /usr/share/man/man5/
>> /usr/share/man/man5/siprouter.cfg.5.bz2
--- /usr/sbin/
>> /usr/sbin/
>> /usr/sbin/sercmd
>> /usr/sbin/siprouter
--- /etc/
--- /etc/init.d/
>> /etc/init.d/siprouter
>> /etc/siprouter/
>> /etc/siprouter/siprouter-basic.cfg
>> /etc/siprouter/siprouter.cfg
>> /etc/siprouter/dictionary.sip-router
>> /etc/siprouter/siprouter-advanced.cfg
--- /etc/conf.d/
>> /etc/conf.d/siprouter
Best regards,