Friends, I'm having issues with the xpath support. If I run Daniel's example in the XMLOPS, xpath works as documented. But if I take the body of a PUBLISH from the and run xpath, I don't get expected results. Now, I'm no XPATH guru so I may be totally off the markup here...
Here's the test script:
$xml(pub=>doc) = $rb; $var(contact)=$xml(pub=>xpath:registration/contact@event); xlog("--- Publish contact $var(contact) \n"); xlog("--- Publish aor $xml(pub=>xpath:registration@aor) \n"); xlog("--- Publish aor: $xml(pub=>xpath://@aor) \n"); xlog("--- Publish reg state: $xml(pub=>xpath://reginfo@state) \n"); xlog("--- Publish uri: $xml(pub=>xpath:contact/uri/text()) \n");
I've tested with various paths, orginating from /reginfo or just picking an attribute.
Here's the XML from Carsten's PUA_REGINFO module:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <reginfo xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:reginfo" version="0" state="full"> <registration aor="" id="0x80590a590" state="terminated"/> </reginfo>
I wonder if it's something with using the request body that doesn't parse properly in the XMLOPS module?
Error messages are a series of "XPath error : Invalid expression"